Telomere Length Test

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Catch Early Warnings of Disease.

An indicator of “biological aging”, your telomere score is based on your average telomere length in comparison to telomere lengths of individuals the same age.

Shortened telomeres are associated with numerous diseases of aging.

Are you aging faster than you would like due to telomere shortening?

Current research shows that telomere shortening contributes to cellular aging and susceptibility to metabolic disorders and chronic disease. According to scientific research, telomere shortening may contribute to aging and age-related conditions. Telomeres are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. They can be prematurely shortened when exposed to environmental chemicals, oxidation, inflammation, and stress. This leads to DNA damage and contributes to early cell death.

Associated conditions

Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic degenerative conditions associated with aging.

  • Neurological conditions such as Cognitive impairment, chronic stress 

  • Metabolic disorders such as diabetes, glucose intolerance, obesity 

  • Cardiovascular diseases such as Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease 

  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis 

  • Immune-related conditions such as Hepatitis C, cancer, autoimmune disorders 

Inflammation, Aging, and its association with Telomeres

Inflammation is associated with aging and telomere shortening. Telomeres become shorter after each cell division until eventually chromosomal DNA reaches a critical point at which the cell can no longer divide (known as the Hayflick limit). The loss of this protective telomere “armor” renders DNA vulnerable to damage and may result in an individual’s increased risk for accelerated aging and associated health conditions. If telomeres are maintained, then termination of cell division (senescence) and programmed cell death (apoptosis) can be delayed.

The test analyzes your average telomere length in white blood cells compared to the normal reference range for your age-matched population.

Telomeres are segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes; they protect the genetic data contained in DNA and act as a buffer during cell replication. Telomere length may be indicative of cellular aging and increased susceptibility to metabolic disorders and chronic disease.

Telomeres become shortened over time as a cell divides and replicates. They can be prematurely shortened due to oxidation, inflammation, and stress. These conditions reduce the protective effect of telomeres, damage DNA, and contribute to early cell death.

Telomeres may be the key to the root cause and prevention of age-related conditions.

Knowing more about the status of telomere length may encourage those with prematurely shortened telomeres to seriously consider making lifestyle changes that can positively impact their health.

Shorter telomeres have been associated with cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic degenerative conditions normally associated with aging.

Adopting healthy or avoiding unhealthy lifestyle choices can contribute to telomere length in healthy cells and possibly contribute to longevity.