The Spirit Diet

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What Is The Spirit Diet? (Part 2)

Sometimes I laugh, at myself.

God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can dream for yourself

Things tend to work out in the end. This is all in hindsight Of course.

In the throws of the moment, we seldom see the stars aligning or God’s perfect plan.

But looking back nothing has happened without spiritual reasoning even when i didn’t understand with my human mind.

After I prayed, I didn’t think much about it. i “gave it to god”


I started my first blog in 2010.

I was still living in New York and I flew to L.A on my 30th birthday to take a hosting class.

The class instructor told us to create a website for our brand, so I did.

as a part of an assignment from that class. I built my first website in one day and subsequently started my first blog

“The Sexy Vegetarian”.

I made a few posts but the name didn’t “feel” right

so I fell back from it while I pondered a new name for my website.

everything i do has to “feel right”.

At this time, I really wanted to move to L.A and I was considering enrolling in

The Institute For Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach.

At first, I was worried that I would spend thousands of dollars on tuition and not be able to make a real living coaching. I didn’t know anyone who had or was a health coach so it was a bit outside of my realm of possibility.

In 2011, I moved to L.A and finally enrolled in IIN. In 2012, I graduated as a Certified Health Coach.

In 2013, I decided to start my own business and I set out on a quest to figure out how to monetize my website and more importantly how to make money with my new certification.

I was still stuck on a name for my company so I gave it up to GOD and I prayed asking for a name.

you know how you ask for a sign and then you get a sign and you still have to ask yourself “was that a sign”. so i prayed specifically and sent heat-seeking-intention out into the universe.

“When the inspiration comes, I need to know it undoubtedly” i said.

I was willing to wait on it. god’s tiime

well.. wait i did, it wasn’t until about a year later that the name was gifted to me.

thank you. glory to the most high for the vision, patience and faith.